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- «c1»«ac»By Darkhawk/IRIS«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»This is harder to type than one should
- assume.. Well, my monitor is really
- tricky.. But, I won't let this small
- matter stand between me and a report
- from the «c6»TRSAC autumn party «c7»in
- Copenhagen, Denmark.. No monitor that
- keeps flickering and needs to get a
- good thumping every 30 seconds to
- work, will stand between me and
- writing this party report, I assure
- you.. «»
- «»
- So, let's see. The TRSAC party is held
- in some «c6»local sportshall in Amager,
- the 12-14th October.. «c7»There's plenty
- of space here, although there're a bit
- over «c6»100 attenders «c7»now I think. Most
- are PC users, but there are Amiga
- users too, although most of these
- don't seem to have brought any
- computer with them, prefering to booze
- instead. There're people from many
- countries here, «c6»Switzerland, Germany,
- Norway, Sweden and Denmark «c7»it seems..
- As for the interesting people, that
- is, Amiga sceners, well I can almost
- list them all.. From Norway, I've seen
- «c6»Arcane/HJB, Leia/Sqs, Loaderror and
- Frequent from Ephidrena. «c7»There're
- probably more than those though. From
- Sweden, we have «c6»Tuna/Sublime and
- Kalms+Emoon from TBL. «c7»I think, haven't
- seen the last two around, but they
- should be here.Ahh, and «c6»Spot from Up
- Rough «c7»just came by.. From Germany, we
- have «c6»Scicco and Sniper of Scarab, «c7»and
- from Denmark, we have the most
- sceners, naturally. «c7»Loonies «c7»are here
- with 6 or 7 members, and we're here
- with the same amount. «c7»Depth «c7»are here
- with Ib, Curt Cool, Cytron and some
- hangarounds, hehe. Then there's Optima
- from «c6»Haujobb «c7»and Corial from Focus
- Design (well, they brought 2 PC's and
- one Amiga, tsk, tsk, shame on them).
- This might not sound like many
- sceners, and ohh well, that's true.
- Otherwise, there's a lot of PC users I
- don't know, and some other Amiga users
- I might have missed so far.«»
- «»
- «c6»Facilities.. «c7»The toilets are nice,
- although there's not much paper
- to go around. Ahh well, who needs
- that, atleast there's soap. The hall
- itself is fine, quite big. I do prefer
- smaller, cosier places, like the
- hall at «c6»TRSAC «c7»last year, but ohh well.
- There's also a separate sleepinghall,
- but daaaamn.. The speakers they have
- are quite loud, I was reminded of the
- time at TP where I slept next to the
- rave-party, ehehe.. Friday evening
- there was only the opening ceremony,
- aswell as some DJ playing quite
- boring, repetitive techno for far too
- long. Well, I like techno, but this
- was kinda' boring. Afterwards we got
- some demos shown, not that many,
- before the PC users apparently took
- over the machines, and proceeded to
- show PC demos for 4-5 hours, aghhh..
- So I went to bed after the first few
- demos, but I had to listen to all
- kinds of ripped MP3's from the
- commercial music industry, featured in
- those PC demos, since.. Well, they
- played kinda' loud. Ahh, no problem,
- and I slept ok. Didn't get enough
- beers into my stomach though, so a
- slow party start. Today «c6»Nutman, «c7»that
- lazy bastard, finally arrived with me
- monitor, so I can actually do some
- article work, heh.. After the
- competitions, I'm going to hold an
- A500 demoshow, and you can bet your
- money on me showing demos for 4-5
- hours straight, hehe.«»
- They have a «c6»cafeteria «c7»here, but it's
- kinda' lousy, so we're just getting
- our food outside of the place.. Food
- and beers.. «c6»Beers «c7»are important here.
- Of course drinking is allowed, as it
- should be on every party, both inside
- and outside of the hall, and this
- we're taking advantage of, naturally.
- As for food, we drive around a bit in
- Copenhagen, and find what we fancy,
- can't complain of those food
- facilities, heheh.«»
- «»
- Well, it's now saturday.. «c6»The party
- opened this friday, at 17.00 hours, a
- bit late, considering that it ends at
- 12.00 this sunday, «c7»but well, we'll
- just have to booze a lot to make up
- for it. Hmm yes, actually some of us
- ARE working on our productions, we had
- an intro we'd have liked to finish,
- but alas, this doesn't seem to be
- possible, so now «c6»Ransom «c7»has given up,
- and is boozing a lot to make up for
- yesterday, hehe. It seems that people
- arriving saturday instead of friday
- don't have to pay tho', which I think
- is a bit weird, and I'd imagine that
- people who have payed, would be a bit
- irritated by this, but ok, maybe their
- internal security just isn't very
- good, heh.«»
- «»
- A word about the «c6»compos.. «c7»There were
- the usual «c6»music compos, 4chn,
- multichannel and mp3, «c7»and there was
- only a little trouble for the
- organizers there. hmm, some of the
- organizers are way more stressed than
- they have a right to be, and this
- makes for a somewhat wrong contact
- with the attenders, it's a bit hard
- talking to a stressed looking
- organizers, whose eyes are darting
- back and forth, hehe. But well, these
- compo's and the others ran well
- enough, although the organizers once
- AGAIN managed not to included one of
- our pictures into the «c6»gfx compo.. «c7»No
- harm done really, as it was just
- something «c6»Dr. Doom «c7»had drawn during 30
- seconds of boredom, but if it had been
- a 'real' picture, it would have been
- quite disastrous.«»
- «»
- There was a «c6»handdrawn gfx compo, «c7»which
- was kinda' original, they showed
- scannings of some people's paper
- artwork, and the style was quite
- different, naturally. The «c6»other gfx
- compo's «c7»were so-so. Many PC owners had
- stuff in the competitions it seemed.
- As for «c6»PC demo/intro, «c7»I can't say
- anything naturally, didn't view them,
- was busy carting «c6»Dr. Doom «c7»around in a
- shopping cart inside the hall. The
- Amiga oldskool competition was won by
- the Spaceballs demo, which filled one
- disk and ran on my A500 (the
- organizers sem not to have access to
- an «c6»A500 «c7»themselves, so I'm lending it
- to them at each TRSAC). Well, there
- was no other entry in this competition
- sadly, would have liked this
- competition to have had the most
- entries, but ok, good that «c6»SPB «c7»atleast
- are doing this kind of thing. I know
- we should have too, but ehrr, we
- didn't finish anything in that regard.«»
- «»
- As for the «c6»demo competition, «c7»there was
- a healthy amount of demos, although
- some weren't that spectacular, of
- course. The winner from «c6»TBL/Up Rough
- «c7»is quite design heavy, it has a lot of
- style and a really good soundtrack.
- But I think I might do a separate
- production review, so I better not
- write about the releases. You can get
- them via the internet in any case, and
- you should view them all yourself,
- naturally.«»
- «»
- One production deserves special
- mention tho', and that's the «c6»PSX2 demo
- by Soopadoopah «c7»(well, behind that name
- are some people from Fudge, the danish
- PC crew). This is the first
- multieffect 'demo' for the PSX2, and
- it looks quite nice, and has a
- wonderful odlskool style, in the way
- it was made. I was quite impressed,
- and maybe there's a lot of potential
- in establishing a PSX2 scene. We're
- trying to get our first PSX2 release
- ready for the MS or even later. But
- nods of respect to Soopadoopah.«»
- «»
- After the compo's ended, at around 2'
- o-clock, we were rather drunk, «c6»Ransom
- and Dr. Doom «c7»had tried to get enlisted
- into the wild-compo, and had done what
- is called a spontaneous aesthetic
- performance. Or in other words, they
- did something very lame, that only
- drunk people would do, heheh.. Ransom
- had Dr. Doom in this shopping cart,
- and in front of the bigscreen, he
- spinned the cart round and round. The
- intention was that Dr. Doom would
- begin to puke at some time, and then
- he had to hit the bigscreen.. Ahemm,
- this ended when «c6»Leia «c7»interfered and
- the cart with poor Dr. Doom crashed
- into the loudspeaker.. Well, it wasn't
- as dramatic as it sounds.. I guess..«»
- «»
- Anyway, at this point, 7 IRIS'ers
- eagerly (?) awaited my «c6»A500 demoshow,
- «c7»but NOOO.. The organizers then thought
- it would be interesting to show the
- boxingmatch between Tyson and ehr..
- Brian Nielsen, some danish lamer,
- since that happened just some hours
- ago, and many danes probably were
- interested in it.. Well, that was
- quite boring, but atleast we got to
- shout a lot and make fun of it.. Hrmm,
- maybe some sportsenthusiasts thought we
- were irritated, but ohh well.. After
- that finished, it was around 04.00,
- which wasn't really good.. Dr. Doom
- lay sleeping under the table, after he
- had done to the WC what he couldn't do
- to the bigscreen, «c6»TrickTrax «c7»had left
- for home, «c6»Ransom «c7»was sleeping in the
- sleeping hall and «c6»Nutman «c7»was playing
- Simon the Sorcerer.. Arghh.. It was
- time to take action, so the A500
- «c6»demoshow «c7»began. At its height, I think
- 5 people watched it, hehe. After some
- demos, all the organizers went to bed,
- and told me to turn down the volume,
- now that THEY had to sleep.. Ohh well,
- I continued the demosession.. Seemed
- to me like some people further down
- where watching now and then, others
- were just playing UT or something.
- Then Shadow went to bed, Nutman
- finished Simon the Sorcerer and «c6»Flower
- «c7»started to fall asleep, and had to
- hurry home.. Sigh, I was left alone,
- alone with all the memories.. Sniff..
- And then my fave demo, «c6»Enigma by
- Phenomena «c7»had errors on the disk, so
- that the music fucked up.. I decided
- it was time to call it quits.. At that
- time I was the only one alive in the
- hall, that was around 07.00 I guess.«»
- «»
- I was lovingly awakened by two
- grinning IRIS'ers, Ransom and Dr.
- Doom, who had put his hair to good
- use, tickling my nose until I woke up,
- and by then it was around 12 I
- think. The organizers were a bit
- delayed with the «c6»prizecompo, «c7»and it
- still took one hour or so before the
- annual «c6»duck-dealing «c7»was finished. We
- managed to get ourselves 3 silver
- ducks. 1 for Dr. Doom's 2nd place in
- the 4chn compo, one for our 2nd place
- in the intro compo (yes well, we made
- a 5 minute intro, and Loonies did the
- same. Their intro featured 3D, so
- naturally they had to win, HRRMMFF).
- We also managed to snatch a third
- duck, that came flying through the
- air.. Tadaa.. 3 ducks for us,
- including one the organizers painted
- black, supposedly because we did such
- a rushed intro.. But hey, Loonies
- didn't get their intro duck painted
- black, and we really did try to
- release something, so «c6»that wasn't
- really very friendly.. «c7»Although the
- black paint on the duck looks kinda'
- cool, hehe.«»
- Ohh, a word about «c6»voting «c7»too. You gave
- the organizers your nametag (which you
- got when you payed the entrancefee),
- and then you got a votesheet. Fair
- enough. And then a lot of.. Ahemm,
- morally susepct people began going
- around, telling us that they'd vote
- for our stuff, if we voted for theirs,
- and that all their friends would do
- the same if we also did the same..
- Hrmm hrmm, one of those persons even
- told me that 'hey, you care jackshit
- about PC stuff right? And I care
- jackshit about Amiga stuff, so why
- shouldn't we just help eachother out
- with some votes?'.. Grr, that's quite
- lame (not that I didn't agree to it,
- after all, our intro just had to win
- over the Loonies entry, but no, as
- usual, they managed to votefake
- better than I), and he wasn't the only
- one doing stuff like that. As
- TrickTrax remarked, stuff like that
- «c6»kills the competition, kills the will
- to do productions, «c7»if you loose over
- an obviously inferior product, just
- because some people have been
- creative with votemanipulating/faking.
- Especially on small parties, this can
- get to be a problem.«»
- «»
- But ohh well, we got out ducks, we
- packed, we said goodbye, and then we
- prepared to drive home. In the train I
- realized that I would miss both Buffy
- and Angel on TV that day, and went
- berserk. I awoke in hospital, deeply
- traumatized, and that concluded my
- «c6»TRSAC trip. «c7»Overall, it was a fine
- party, and I'll be there next time
- too, unless this means missing an
- episode of Buffy or Angel once again,
- naturally..«»
- «»
- «e»